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Baltica project configuration

Baltica requires a project configuration file as input. For a template see here. For a programmatic solution to generate the configuration, use the script baltica/write_new_config.R. Method specific parameters are detailed in the Workflow implementation page.


Baltica project requires that configuration been update. Users should use the full path to files. The sample names for the samples parameters uses a underscore (_) to separate the sample name and replicate number, like in mix_1, so the sample should not contain spaces or underscores.


The Required column flags parameters without a default value.

General parameters description

Parameter Description Required
path project path
sample_path path to the parent directory for aligment files
samples sample name and directory formated as "{sample_name}: {path_to_sample)
contrasts list of contrasts names (format)
assembly assembly name on UCSC Browser
strandness one of fr-firststrand, fr-secondstrand or none (unstranded)
read_len maximun read length
ref path to reference annotation in the GTF format
ref_fa path to reference annotation in the FASTA format
project_authors project author name, used in the report
project_title project title name, used in file names and report
orthogonal_result path to results from orthonal experiment, such as ONT RNA-seq (see)
baltica_max_table maximum number of rows for the Baltica table in the HTML report

Pairwise comparisons

    - {case1}
    - {control} 
    - {case2}
    - {control}


junctionseq and leafcutter support more complex experimental designs, which were not implemented in Baltica.

Orthogonal result

Full path to GFF or BED with a valid score column. Optionally a comparison or name column containing the experimental comparisons. Otherwise, only the first contrast of the project is used. This parameter allows Baltica to integrate a validation dataset obtained with third-generation sequencing.

majiq specific paramers

majiq manual

Parameter Original parameter Description
rule majiq_build: (majiq deltapsi)
majiq_min_experiments --min-experiments minimum number of experiments to filter with --minreads (default 1.0 - all experiments)
majiq_minreads --minreads Discard SJ with less than --minreads reads
majiq_min_denovo --min-denovo Discard novel SJ with less than --min-denovo reads
rule majiq_deltapsi (majiq deltapsi)
majiq_minreads --minreads same as above
rule majiq_voila (voila tsv)
majiq_non_changing_threshold --non-changing-threshold
majiq_threshold --threshold

junctionseq specific paramers

qorts manual junctionseq manual

Parameter Original parameter Description
rule junctionseq_qc (qorts QC)
is_single_end --singleEnded Flag single end libraries
rule junctionseq_merge (qorts mergeNovelSplices)
junctionseq_mincount --minCount Discard SJ with less than --minCount reads

leafcutter specific paramers

regtools manual leafcutter manual

Parameter Original parameter Description
rule leafcutter_bam2junc (regtools junctions extract)
leafcutter_minimum_anchor_length -a Discard reads with overanging length lower than -a
leafcutter_minimum_intron_size -i Minimum intron size
leafcutter_maximum_intron_size -I Maximum intron size
rule leafcutter_differential_splicing
leafcutter_min_coverage --min_coverage desc
leafcutter_min_samples_per_group -g Discard SJ used in less than -g samples
leafcutter_min_samples_per_intron -i Discard SJ with less than --min_coverage in -i samples in each group

rmats specific paramers

rmats manual

Parameter original parameter Description
rule rmats_run (
rmats_allow_clipping --allow-clipping Allow clipped reads
rmats_variable_read_length --variable-read-length Allow reads with variable-length
rmats_novel_ss --novelSS Allow the detecting unannotated SJ
rmats_extra none Pass extra arguments to