Genomic coordinates (excluding Y chromosome) for m6a sites from 3 experiments:
Boulias et al. 2019,
Koh et al. 2019, and
Koertel et al. 2021.
a GRanges object:
experiments: Character string. Possible values, all combinations of: Boulias, Koh, and Koertel
region ref: Character string. Coordinates, format: "chr:start-end:strand".
Koh CWQ, Goh YT, Goh WSS. Atlas of quantitative single-base-resolution n6-methyl-adenine methylomes. Nat Commun. 2019; 10:5636.
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Körtel N, Rücklé C, Zhou Y, Busch A, Hoch-Kraft P, Sutandy FXR, Haase J, Pradhan M, Musheev M, Ostareck D, Ostareck-Lederer A, Dieterich C, Hüttelmaier S, Niehrs C, Rausch O, Dominissini D, König J, Zarnack K. Deep and accurate detection of m6a RNA modifications using miclip2 and m6aboost machine learning. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021; 49:92.