Container setup¶
Container tools¶
A container management CLI is required such as podman-compose
or docker compose
(Compose V2).
Docker Swarm has not been tested and may not work. The following versions are known to work:
Podman version 4.3.1 with podman-compose version 1.0.3 on Debian 12
Docker version 27.4.1 with docker compose version 2.32.1 on Debian 12
Podman handles rootless containers.
Image building¶
Node.js and npm are required to build the container images. Vue.js presently requires Node.js 16 or newer. The following versions are known to work:
Node.js version 18.19.0 and 22.13.0 on Debian 12
npm version 9.2.0, 10.8.2 (node 18.19.0) and 11.0.0 (node 22.13.0) on Debian 12
General setup¶
Configure the docker/.env_docker file¶
Create a file .env_docker in the docker directory using env_docker_example as template. Environment variables defined in this file are used to build the images.
Configure the .env file¶
Create a file .env in the same directory as the YAML file used to define the services i.e. docker-compose.yml or docker-compose-db-only.yml, using env_example as template. This is the environment file used by compose. For development, this file is typically located in the docker directory (same location as .env_docker), but under production it may be located in a separate deployment directory.
Set up the local directories¶
Under your deployment directory, or under the docker directory in development setup, create the directory structure for the database:
In particular, the following files are created:
secrets/mariadb-root: Password for the root user for the MariaDB database.
secrets/mariadb-scimodom: Password for the scimodom user for the MariaDB database.
Production setup¶
Build the images¶
cd docker/db_container
cd ../app_container
Optional: copy to a live instance¶
If the images are built on a different machine, or if multiple deployments are run on the same container host, the required data must be deployed to that system or a separate folder per instance.
In case of a deployment to a different container host, the following data need to be transferred:
The images, e.g. via a Docker repository - The database image e.g. scimodom_db:latest - The application image e.g. scimodom_app:latest
The docker/scripts folder and the necessary import tables (import folder)
The docker-compose.yml file
The .env file
If multiple instances are run on the same host, a separate folder needs to be created for each instance. Make sure that the ports, paths and names in the .env files don’t collide!
Starting and stopping the containers¶
# or docker compose
podman-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
And to stop:
# or docker compose
podman-compose -f docker-compose.yml down
Development setup¶
The database can be run using a container and connected with the application running locally by using docker-compose-db-only.yml. The .env file needs a few variables only, see env_example (database only).
Set up the local directories¶
For development, running
does not create the development database folder, this must be done manually. The name of this folder matches the value from HOST_DEV_DB_DATA_DIR
defined in the .env file, e.g.
# if HOST_DEV_DB_DATA_DIR=./db_data_dev
# in the docker/ directory
mkdir db_data_dev
Build the images¶
cd docker/db_container
Starting and stopping the database container¶
The database container must be started under the docker directory:
# or docker compose
podman-compose -f docker-compose-db-only.yml up -d
And to stop:
# or docker compose
podman-compose -f docker-compose-db-only.yml down
Backup and restore¶
The setup described above supplies two scripts:
./scripts/ Dumps the database to the
. Run it before doing a file-level backup, e.g. as “pre” script of your backup solution../scripts/ Load the database from
. Run it just after you restored that folder from a suitable backup.
Manual database connection¶
To directly connect to the database:
# or docker
podman exec -it docker_scimodom_db_1 mariadb -u root -p scimodom
Use the password found in secrets/mariadb-root. Also podman-compose/docker-compose may be used. In case of the ‘db-only’ DEV setup one may do this:
docker podman-compose -f docker-compose-db-only.yml exec scimodom_db_dev mariadb -u root -p scimodom